If you've arrived here, you're being led to explore your soul's galactic lineage...

and it might feel a little bit overwhelming, confusing, or ungrounding. There's a lot of information out there about what it means to be a starseed, but it can be hard to find credible sources and sort through all of the conspiracy theories that are constantly being thrown around.

That's why I initially started this podcast - to shed light on the journeys of real starseeds who are recovering their memories from other lifetimes off of Earth and learning who they truly are under the surface - in a down-to-earth (pun intended) way.

Start from the beginning to hear how everything unfolded in shocking and synchronistic ways. Let's just say, be embarking on the journey of podcasting, I got way more than I bargained for.

The Starseed Awakening Podcast 

The Journey That Started It All

Monet started the podcast knowing that it was her mission to share the epic stories from other worlds and pieces of galactic history that came through in her clients' hypnosis sessions.

Well, in case you missed it, the adventure is complete, having come full circle.

With so many of the predictions that the entities' whom her clients channeled in their sessions having come true, Monet finally completed the puzzle as she learned who has been sending so many starseeds to her over the years (hint: it was a coordinated effort), put the final pieces together from Atlantis/Lemuria/Egypt, and awakened her dormant extradimensional abilities that had been suppressed her whole life...up until now.

Ready to explore your own galactic heritage?

Click the link below to see all the ways you can work with Monet.

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The Starseed Awakening Podcast



5 stars! This podcast showed up at the perfect time in my life. Not only did it help validate and make sense of some of my own intuitions and experiences, it led me to make meaningful connections with other people that have enriched my life and helped push me towards further growth and expansion. If your interest is piqued by the title of this podcast, I 10/10 recommend that you give it a listen!

- Brynn89

This Podcast Started my Journey

This podcast found me when I was seeking answers for what my spiritual path was. Monet’s wisdom and her nurturing spirit helped me find meaning behind the word Starseed. The stories and sessions on this podcast are super fun and insightful to listen to. Every episode is an amazing experience. But, more importantly this podcast helps validate that our universe is more complex and expansive then we could ever imagine. Thank you to everyone who shares their stories. Every episode brings little nuggets of wisdom that I appreciate so much. Thank you Monet and thank you to all that share these amazing sessions.

- Ty_EPIC_Reagan

World Expanding!

This podcast is SO good. As someone interested in spirituality, learning about my true self and the world beyond what we can physically see…. This is the place to be. I love Monet’s down-to-earth voice and her open and loving approach to her clients is so beautiful. I’m loving learning about earth's untold histories and our connections to the universe. Thank you!

- 12JD10

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The Starseed Awakening Podcast

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