Dear Healer,

I witness you. You have a heart of gold. You volunteered to come to this planet because of the deep capacity for you to love and to care for other humans, animals, and the planet. You decided that you couldn’t NOT help others as your calling in life.

You’re smart and capable. You have so many amazing and creative ideas. But getting them out into the world is a lot harder than you anticipated it being.

You know your future clients are out there, but finding them feels hard. 

You believe in the power of what you do, but you have a hard time conveying how life-changing your work is in your marketing. 

It can be incredibly frustrating to see others struggling with what you KNOW you can help them with, and not feeling like you can reach them to make a difference.

Marketing feels cringe sometimes and not in alignment with your values.

If you could do anything, you’d quit your day-job and go full-time in your healing business. But attracting new clients has been unpredictable and inconsistent. 

You want to make content for social media and a beautiful and professional website, but when you go to create, you don't have any photos that feel like they capture the way you feel inside.

You want your brand's vibe to stand out, but you don't really know how to set yourself apart from others in your field.

You open up instagram and see everyone else’s content, but you feel frozen at times when you try to create your own.

You feel like you’re missing something that other successful healers have. 

You make posts, but it’s usually just your friends and other healers you've been in programs with interacting with them.

You may not be neurotypical and you get overwhelmed easily when you think about making funnels, email lists, and all of the *muggle* pieces of your marketing.

At the end of the day, you want to have a business that allows you the freedom to LIVE.


Here's the truth... 

You CAN make a living doing what you know you were put on this planet to do.

It’s not that the successful healers and thought leaders you look up to have some special sauce that you don’t.


It’s just that they have figured out how to express and embody the codes that they’ve incarnated with and learned how to translate that into their brand in a cohesive way, creating deep resonance and demand for what they offer.

And now, I’m going to teach you how to do the same.



An in-person event for business owners in the spirituality space that honors both the practical and the magical.

Here are the PRACTICAL results that you'll leave with:

  • A clear and resonant knowing of what your offer(s) are - your pricing, how to package your services, and most importantly, how to effectively communicate the transformations you help your clients to achieve.

  • A strategy for the coming fiscal year for how much money you want to make, and a flexible plan for how you will reach your goals.

  • The pieces of a simple funnel laid out for you, including website copy for a sales page that converts clients, so that you can start getting traffic to your social media and website, creating an ever-growing pool of future clients you can market to.

  • An understanding of subconscious copywriting techniques that create demand for what you offer, that honor your future clients' sovereignty without being icky or scammy.

  • New tools for how you will fit marketing your business into your already busy life, without the hustle, whether you're neurotypical, neurospicy, or even have chronic illness(es).

You ready for the fun part? Let's get into the MAGICAL stuff. Get ready for some fun with some special guests:

  • An optional and intentional plant medicine journey to bring online your unique codes for what you have to offer the world, safely facilitated by Monet*.
  • A group hypnosis session led by Monet to help you unlock the essence of your brand and business, integrating your galactic side with your Earth side.
  • Private reading with Human Design and Business Mentor, Melanie Hill**, to help you unlock your own unique business blueprint based on your energetic imprint that your soul incarnated with.
  • A somatic fear release session with Sound Healer & Medicine Woman, Lexi Beal** (you might know her from the very first episode of the podcast), so that you can allow your magic to be witnessed by the world without wanting to hide.
  • A mini branding photoshoot to capture your unique essence and magic with badass Biz Coach and Photographer, Holly Pendergast so that you have content for your website and your socials, that feels like you.
Reserve Your Spot

There is a METHOD to the MADNESS.

Until now, I haven't shared a whole lot about how I built the demand for my offers (which became so sought after that I had to close my books and turn people away). What I will tell you is that it wasn't a fluke, luck, or even divine intervention. 

Yes, our clients come to us for a reason and there are no coincidences, ever. But - I still had to develop the skills to become discoverable and turn those who were led to me into clients. 

How did I learn these skills? I've been in sales since my first job when I turned 18. Sales turned into business development for a small tech startup (which just got bought by Microsoft, btw), which turned into implementing online marketing for an old-school multi-million dollar biotech company, helping them become discoverable online (guess what - their profit margins soared). 

I left the biotech field for ethical reasons, and instead turned to creating my own businesses so that I could work for myself doing something that felt meaningful and fulfilling. First a fully booked doula practice, then a business coaching practice, and now the business that you see today, with launches that sell out and complete control over when I want to turn the faucet on or off for new clients, students, and programs, and revenue, because I learned the skills of building demand.

It didn't come without struggles and failures, of course. But the one thing I did over and over again which set me up for success was to invest in business mentorship from 6 and 7-figure brains, over and over again, until everything *clicked,* my brand gelled, and the result was that my business grew so quickly that I couldn't keep up. Here's the most important part, to me - I did this WITHOUT resorting to unethical, abusive marketing tactics and staying true to my integrity and values as a business owner, putting people over profits, so at the end of the day I feel good about my choices and my business.

I've invested anywhere from 10k-20k in business coaches and masterminds to learn from the best minds in the industry, 6-month containers at a time. Now I get to pass the knowledge I've learned and implemented onto you (plus a whole lot of MAGIQUE) in the span of 5 days for a fraction of the cost.

I never would have gotten to this point if it weren't for those who came before me believing in me, or even more importantly, me believing in myself.

Reserve Your Spot


It's time for me to pass the torch. You hold the codes. Let's sit down together, in loving, supportive community, and discover them. I'll be your gentle and compassionate guide to walk you through all of it.


It’s okay to feel scared to take a leap of faith and bet on your future self.

Fear is not the same as intuition. If it feels scary, and like a little bit too big of a dream, that is a good thing. It's often a sign that you are on the path of growth, as opposed to staying small and comfortable. (You know that meme of the person getting pushed off a cliff and the universe catching them? That’s what I mean).

Sometimes we need to take a leap of faith and bet on ourselves that, you know what, maybe I can do this and maybe I’m more than capable. I just need the tools.


Your future business is calling...are you ready to pick up the phone?

Business Alchemy INTENSIVE


Here are the specs:

  • November 1st-5th, 2023
  • 4 nights at a beautiful retreat center in sacred Joshua Tree
  • Room and board, including food
  • Daily workshops and deep coaching
  • Special guest sessions from other 6-figure earners in the spiritual space (see details above) including a brand photoshoot
  • Flexible payment options


To secure your spot, I ask that you put down a non-refundable $499 deposit. From there, you can choose to finance (for US clients) through Coach Financing, pay in full, or break the payments into smaller chunks. I just ask that you pay the full amount by October 20th. We will work with you to create a custom payment plan, if that helps.

Have a question that wasn't answered above?

Send an email over to [email protected] and keep your eyes peeled for a live info session.

*The plant medicine journey will be based on interest, since it is optional. If most folks want to participate, we'll do it. If not, we will plan an alternate activity.

**Melanie and Lexi are not local to Southern California, and sometimes travel issues come up that are unforeseen, such as flight cancellations or inclimate weather. In the case that travel impacts their attendance, there will be alternate programming.